Monday, December 15, 2008

. . . and on and on and on and. . . .

Aw, yuck. I'd elaborate, but it'd just be a pity party. I am a pathetic case.
I'm tired of this.

Didn't go to work today. No desire to spread the germs they have obviously shared with me.
'Nuff said there.

Upside: some knitting has been accomplished. Not a lot -- I keep falling asleep in the middle of a row -- let's hear it for dextromethorphan. (I'm sure I spelled that wrong, but hey, I'm sick.)
and I'm about to megadose on Nyquil and hit the sack. DH couldn't find the Original Green stuff; this one's Cherry flavor. Sure tastes red! Looks like True Blood. Mmmmmwahahaha. . .

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